Where are my Photos on my Mac?

How to find your original photographs and images when using the Photos app on a Mac


If you use the Photos app on your Mac to organize and view your photographs and images that are being kept on your Mac, you may have wondered “Where are those original photographs being stored?”

Well, it turns out that the answer is quite complicated, and will depend upon how you let the Photos App manage your photographs library.

In the following example, I have already started using Photos; I simply imported some spare photographs directly into the Photos App, to experiment.

Please realise that the way in which the “Photos App” stores your images on your Mac is deliberately complicated and for a very good reason: it’s to discourage you from playing around with the original copies of your precious photos, as you may end up accidentally deleting them!

So, with that disclaimer and warning in mind, I will show you in this video how you can, if you wish, discover the actual location of your original photos on your Mac:


Hope you enjoy this video!

Keep reading for more tips, and thanks for dropping by!


Quick zoom shortcuts

How to zoom in and zoom out on a web page

Today’s quick tip is for those awkward moments when you can’t quite see part of a website you are viewing; perhaps a form has disappeared off the bottom of the screen, or some text or image is the wrong size to view easily.

(These tips can work in other applications as well, but I find it most reliable in browsers.)

To Zoom IN:

CTRL with +  


Hold down CTRL key and tap the plus key (usually located on your top row of standard keys – number keys – at the right. If you’ve got a numerical keyboard as well, you can also use the plus button on there, as long as Num Lock is on – (otherwise you may activate the Windows magnifier!)

To Zoom OUT

CTRL with 


Hold down CTRL key and tap the minus key (again, usually located on the top row of standard keys – number keys – at the right. If you’ve got a numerical keyboard as well, you can also use the subtract button on there, as long as Num Lock is on.

To reset the Zoom:

CTRL + 0 (zero)


You can usually reset the view in a browser this way, but be prepared to use the other two methods if it doesn’t work.

Extra power-user tip:

If you are using a mouse that has a mouse-wheel, you can hold down CTRL key and turn the mouse-wheel forward and back to zoom in and out!

Apple users

Substitute Command  for CTRL in the above tips.

Please don’t forget to visit my website for more information about what I do:

Hereford Computer Help

Thanks for reading – be sure to follow Hereford Computer Help’s Blog for regular tips!

Mark Giles

Something to think about…..

Yesterday, I wrote about Stumbleupon, how it can help you find websites according to your interests and how it might lead you to discover sites that you might otherwise not find.

To illustrate this, I StumbledUpon a site this morning which I found very interesting. Here is a random page:


Have a look at highexistence.com when you feel like being inspired!

Thanks for viewing.

Ever get bored with social media?

Had your fill of Facebook for a while, or temporarily tiring of Twitter?

Why not give StumbleUpon a spin?


It’s easy to sign-up, using existing social media credentials (!!) or you can sign-up using email.

Just tell it a bit about your interests:


and start Stumbling by clicking on the orange Stumbleupon icon in the top left corner of the site!

You’ll land on sites you’ve probably not seen before, but wish you’d discovered ages ago! I thoroughly recommend it for a quick escape from the sites you normally visit.

As you would expect, you can get StumbleUpon apps for your mobile or tablet as well.

Keep viewing  my WordPress blog –  Hereford Computer Help  – for more tips!

Thanks for reading

Mark Giles

Copy and Paste, Cut and Paste……. and All that!


Recently, I’ve been sharing the keyboard shortcuts in Windows that I find particularly useful, are easy to remember and, most importantly, are used frequently.

So for today, I thought I’d encourage you to learn 4 essential shortcuts as mentioned above; they are particularly useful when editing documents:

Copy and Paste

CTRL + C    copies a highlighted word, phrase, paragraph etc to the clipboard, (a special temporary storage area in the computer’s memory).

CTRL + V    pastes the copied item into the location you desire.

How to remember:

C is the first letter of Copy

V for paste – see it as a downward pointing arrow

Cut and Paste

CTRL + X    cuts a highlighted item

CTRL + V    pastes (i.e. moves) that CUT item to the new location

How to remember:

X looks rather like an open pair of scissors

V looks like a downward arrow


CTRL + A selects All of the current document, item, picture.  Very handy, prior to doing one of the above operations!

How to remember:

A is the first letter of All


View the rest of my Blog for more free computing tips from Hereford Computer Help

Thanks for viewing

Mark Giles

WinKey tips – continued


WinKey + left or right arrow key (← →) enables you to “snap” the current Window to one side of your screen, thus using only 50% of your workspace. The really clever thing about this is that, if you then select another open Window, perhaps from your taskbar or desktop, that other Window will “snap” into place alongside its neighbour!

WinKey + up arrow (↑), depending on how the current Window is sized, enables you to quickly maximise your current window, or bring it out of the taskbar.

WinKey + down arrow (↓) will either shrink the current Window to the taskbar, or shrink it to the last known size.  To get it back, see WinKey + up Arrow

WinKey + S opens the Search utility

WinKey + I opens the Settings menu

There are other WinKey shortcuts, but these are the most useful, IMHO.

The Windows Key – aka WinKey

 Learn about the Windows Key

Today’s tip is for Windows users. Discover (if you haven’t already) your “Windows key” and learn how useful it can be!

The Windows Key, or WinKey for short, is a key on your keyboard, usually located between the CTRL key and the Alt key, on the botom row of your keyboard:
When you combine this key (by holding it down, and pressing another key) with certain other keys, you can quickly access and perform actions which may otherwise take several clicks with your mouse or trackpad.
For instance, Winkey and D (for Desktop) quickly takes you to your Windows desktop. Pressing the same key combination again will bring you back to the Window you had open.
This type of key combination can be explained as Winkey + D, and I will use this notation in future.
For example:
Winkey + E (for Explorer) opens the Windows Explorer (file explorer, or file manager, as it used to be called.
Winkey + L (for Lock) quickly locks your computer screen. If you use this in conjunction with a password, you can hide your work from inquisitive eyes!
There are many more to follow – keep watching this Blog!!

Learn how to UNDO your last action in Windows and Mac OS

It’s the weekend, so just one simple tip to learn today!

I have found that one of the most useful keyboard shortcuts to know about is UNDO.

In Windows:   CTRL + Z



In Mac OS:      ⌘CMD + Z



Note how convenient these are; the Z key is very close to CTRL or CMD.

Using a keyboard shortcut in this instance is usually quicker and easier than locating the “undo” icon (if it exists!) in the app or program.

An example of when I use this shortcut:

Say I’m in the Windows File Explorer and I perform an unintended action with a file; perhaps I accidentally delete a file, or a folder. I realise my mistake, press CTRL + Z and the action is undone – phew!

Try this shortcut out to see how helpful it is: it may not work in EVERY app – just see what you can do!

Lookout for more free tips from HerefordComputerHelp.com


iOS – How to force an App to close

 force-close app on an iPad or iPhone


Sometimes, an App may become unresponsive, or crash. Attempting to re-open the App will probably fail, because it hasn’t really closed; just gone into the background.

In this instance, it may therefore help to force-close the App as follows:

  1. Double-tap the Home button ( or use “4-finger swipe-up” from bottom, if enabled)
  2. This will bring up the carousel of apps which are currently in the background


This image shows the result of step 2:


  1. Swipe right or left until you can see the app you wish to force-close
  2. In a single motion, swipe the app upwards and off the screen at the top


This image shows the app being forced up and off the screen:


  1. The desired app will close
  2. Now, either return to a different app in view, by tapping it, or press the Home button.






New website for my business!

New, responsive design for HerefordComputerHelp.com

It was essential for my latest website to be fully responsive; it needed to look good on all types of mobile devices, tablets, laptops, pcs, desktop browsers etc.


After a few trial designs, I settled on a single page design, for speed of loading and practicality. I used basic HTML 5 and CSS3 for my layout and code.  I used the Brackets editor as my compiler.

Please have a look at it when you have a moment:
